How can I keep track of your progress?

Integral Collections are committed to providing you with a transparent view of our performance. Our secure online Client Portal provides you access to live information on individual debts along with consolidated reports that capture your entire portfolio. We will also provide regular case updates and account statements. Please feel free to discuss any special reporting needs with us.

What if my debtor wants to pay by installments?

Negotiating installment plans is sometimes the most effective method of collecting a debt, especially when your debtor is in genuine financial hardship. In ensuring we meet our clients unique business needs, we will establish installment rules and parameters for your account. This gives you control over what installment plans may be entered into and for what length of time. Integral Collections can monitor the progress of any plans on your behalf.

How soon will I receive funds once a debtor has paid Integral Collections?

All monies collected on your behalf will be held in trust as required by the Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents Act 2004. Integral Collections remit disbursements monthly, however special arrangements may be in place to meet unique client needs. Please discuss these with your Account Manager or a member of our team.

What happens if the debtor I referred contacts me to work out a payment arrangement?

Debtors may do this with the intention of delaying payment or to avoid being contacted by us. Once an account is referred, it is best to distance yourself. Please direct debtors to us for all payment arrangements.

Are fees charged if the debtor pays me directly when an account has already been referred?

In the event of a direct payment, please advise us so that we can cease collection action and raise the correct collection fee to your account.

If you are unable to collect the debt referred, then what?

Once all in-house collection strategies have been exhausted, we may recommend appropriate legal proceedings to recover the debt. If you choose not to move proceed, the file will be closed and confirmation is sent to you. No action is ever initiated without your direction and prior approval of costs.

How can my debtors make a payment?

We offer a range of convenient payment options including Bpay, Credit Cards, Electronic Funds Transfer or Cheque and Money Order.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to speak with an experienced member of our team, please contact us on 1300 369 933 or fill out our enquiry form.


Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for answers to some of the frequently asked questions about our debt recovery process.